Access Control Systems

In Canterbury and South East Kent

Falcon Security Systems specialise in the sales, installation, maintenance and repairs of controlled door entry and access control systems equipment.

We can supply and install systems ranging from a single coded standalone door entry system to a multi occupancy and large buildings access control system with code operated or proximity access control or video entry control systems.

Please contact our office for more information and advice on your door entry and access control requirements.

Access Entry systems

Bespoke Entry System Solutions

We offer bespoke systems that are designed for your home or business.


  • Audio or Video intercom systems
  • Access control systems linked to CCTV
  • Entry systems for domestic and commercial properties
  • Keypad entry systems
  • Swipe card access systems
  • Proximity access control systems
Emergency Door release<br />
Hiksense Vision Entry system
Door access entry screen

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